Pergo Flooring : For The Long Haul

What’s the secret behind our key role in the flooring industry?
Our focus on quality and innovation for the future! By continuing to improve our product design and performance we keep a careful eye on sustainability. Find out more about our efforts in circularity, energy saving and emission control.

leading the way in circularity


Unilin Group – the company behind Pergo – has always been a driver when it comes to circularity. This began back in 1960, when we first sourced flax straw – a bio-based waste product from the flax industry – and used it to produce particle boards. Ever since, our focus has remained on renewable raw materials: meanwhile ranging from flax straw to recovered wood.


A future-focused approach means avoiding the use of new raw materials as much as possible. Which is why the wooden core of Pergo laminate and wooden flooring is made entirely of recovered wood. This wood waste product is collected from sawmills, sustainable forest management processes, roadside maintenance … and would otherwise end up in the incinerator or on the rubbish dump.


Trees play an essential part in protecting the climate and biodiversity, so they must be treated with care. For this reason, slow-growing species, such as oak, are used only in the top layers of our wooden flooring. Wherev- er possible, for example in the core of our laminate and wooden flooring, we use either wood from fast-growing tree species (such as spruce and hevea) or a high-density fibreboard (HDF) made of recovered wood.


Sustainable forest management is about harvesting trees with a focus on protecting our planet and biodiversity, and preventing trees from being cut at a faster rate than they are replaced. In the process of forest management, certain trees, such as small or bent ones, obstruct the development of better trees and are harvested to keep forests healthy. Such wood, known as thinned wood, is perfectly suitable for flooring and we use it as much as possible. By sourcing wood from sustainably managed forests, we can be confident that our activities don’t contribute to deforestation.

We are extremely proud to be the first producer ever to receive the Nordic Swan Ecolabel for a floor.

protecting our only planet


Challenging objectives have been set in the Paris Agreement in an effort to limit the impact of global warming. Unilin Group – as Pergo’s parent company – is committed to doing everything possible to contribute to the most ambitious scenario in the agreement, namely a maximum temperature increase of 1.5°C by 2050 to limit the impact of global warming. We are being guided in our ambitions by Science Based Targets – a third-party initiative promoting best practices in this important activity. It is essential to take big steps by 2030, which is why we’ve started with very ambitious short-term goals, followed by a more gradual path towards net-zero emissions in 2050.


Unilin Group – the company behind Pergo – has invested in two biomass plants to transform wood dust and non-recyclable wood waste into green energy. This energy is used to operate our own manufacturing processes. Any left over is then distributed to the general public. We also use energy generated by windmills and solar panels. Thanks to these efforts, about 50% of our group’s production is already powered by renewable energy sources.


Almost all of our Belgian production units in the Unilin Group are involved in the European Energy Efficiency Programme. The key aim of this programme is to save as much energy as possible by ensuring that all energy-saving opportunities are identified and implemented, and by monitoring and managing daily energy consumption. The other main goal is to maximise the use of renewable energy.

a breath of
fresh air


We spend most of our time indoors, which means it’s essential to maximise the air quality inside. All kinds of things can affect air quality, from ventilation, candles and cleaning agents, to the materials used in your interior, such as flooring. We therefore take our responsibility to produce low emission flooring. By manufacturing your flooring in-house as much as possible we know exactly which materials are involved and can keep control and manage the emissions of any harmful substances.


VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are organic chemicals with a high vapour pressure at room temperature. One VOC for example is formaldehyde, which is found naturally in flooring components. Thanks to our in-house production, we can control and limit the emission of VOCs. Therefore, the formaldehyde emission of our laminate and wooden flooring is negligible and 10 times lower than the EU standards. When it comes to our vinyl flooring, there is no formaldehyde detected. This is demonstrated by our A (wood) A+ (laminate, vinyl) and M1 (laminate, vinyl) labels.

Labels of Trust

Pergo naturally complies with all environmental and health legislation and standards. However, we don’t stop there.
As a key player in the flooring industry we also take our responsibility and our future seriously. This is the reason why we have also worked even harder to voluntary achieve additional high standards.

Highly regarded Scandinavian ecological label for products that meet high requirements for environmental standards throughout the life cycle.

The top category emission regulation certifi- cate, serving as a recognition for very low emissions.

Highly regarded Scandinavian ecological label for products that meet high requirements for environmental standards throughout the life cycle.

With our environmental product declaration we show our commitment to provide precise, reli- able and comparable information on the envi- ronmental performance of our laminate and wood products

Globally trusted trademark for wooden products originating from sustainably managed forests.

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